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Steve Mayeda

Steve Mayeda is an online dating expert and writer with a passion for helping others find love. He has been involved in the world of romance since his early twenties, when he started out as a matchmaker at one of the most popular dating sites on the web. After years of experience working with singles from all walks of life, Steve decided to use his knowledge to help more people by writing reviews about different online dating platforms. He holds degrees in Psychology and Communications from UCLA where he was able to gain insight into human behavior which helps him understand how relationships work best between two individuals who are looking for love through technology-based means such as apps or websites. His goal is not only to provide useful information but also entertain readers while doing so; this combination makes it easier for those seeking advice regarding their romantic lives make informed decisions before taking any steps forward towards finding someone special via digital channels like Tinder or Bumble . In addition, Steve’s background includes extensive research within social media marketing – giving him additional insights that allow him review various aspects related to successful relationship building using modern technologies available today including AI chatbots , video conferencing tools etc.. All these experiences have helped shape what motivates Steve Mayeda: providing valuable resources and helpful tips designed specifically around connecting people together regardless if they meet face-to-face or virtually over internet connections