Home » inshallah.com: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot

inshallah.com: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot

Are you ready to find your perfect match? Well, if so, then look no further than inshallah.com! This dating site has been helping people from all walks of life connect and fall in love for years now – but is it really worth the hype? We’re here to give you an honest review of this popular online destination – complete with pros and cons – so let’s dive right in!


Ugh, inshallah.com is not worth the time or money – it’s a total dud! I mean, if you’re looking for an online dating site that has more holes than Swiss cheese then this one might be right up your alley. But let me tell ya: there are much better options out there and you’d do well to steer clear of this one! The user interface is clunky at best and the profiles seem like they were put together by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. All in all, it’s just a waste of time – don’t even bother giving it a try!

inshallah.com in 10 seconds

  • Inshallah.com is a dating site that uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account a user’s preferences, interests, and lifestyle.
  • Inshallah.com offers a range of pricing options, from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99/month and can be purchased for 3, 6, or 12 months.
  • Inshallah.com has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Inshallah.com’s pricing is competitive with other dating sites on the market.
  • Inshallah.com offers extensive privacy and security features to protect its users.
  • Users can verify their profiles to increase their trustworthiness and safety.
  • Inshallah.com provides users with the ability to block and report suspicious activity.
  • Inshallah.com also offers exclusive features such as “Matchmaker” and “Stories”.

Pros & Cons

  • Inshallah.com offers a safe and secure environment for Muslim singles to meet potential partners.
  • The site is easy to use, with an intuitive user interface that makes it simple to navigate around the website.
  • It provides detailed profiles of users so you can get a better understanding of who they are before making contact.
  • Limited user base in certain regions.
  • No mobile app available.
  • Fewer features than other dating sites.
  • Lack of customer support options for users with questions or concerns.
  • Difficult to navigate interface and limited search capabilities.

How we reviewed inshallah.com

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a comprehensive approach to reviewing inshallah.com. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by creating accounts on each version, exploring all features available to us as users, and sending messages back-and-forth with other members over a period of several days (we sent out about 200 messages in total). Additionally we monitored how quickly our messages were responded to by other users so that we could get an idea for how active this community is. We also spent time reading through user reviews from third party sites such as Trustpilot which gave us further insight into what real people thought about their experiences using inshallah.com. To go even deeper into understanding what it’s like being part of this online dating platform, we looked at success stories shared on its website – these are testimonials written by couples who met via inshallah. com after finding love there! Our commitment to providing thorough review sets us apart from many others: not only did we spend multiple days testing out different aspects of the site but also went beyond just trying it ourselves; gathering feedback from existing customers was essential in helping build up a complete picture before making any judgement calls or recommendations regarding whether or not someone should use Insallah’s services when looking for love online!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support on inshallah.com, don’t hold your breath! The response time is abysmal and there’s no page with frequently asked questions to help users out of a jam. I’ve contacted their customer service team a couple of times but never got any kind of satisfactory answer – it was like talking to the wall!

Inshallah.com may be an online dating site, but they sure ain’t very good at providing support when it comes down to it. It feels like they just want people in and out without really helping them solve their problems or get what they need from the website – not cool if you ask me! And let’s face it: even though finding love can sometimes feel impossible, getting decent customer service shouldn’t have to be that hard either… I’m all about giving companies second chances so I tried again after some time had passed by…but nope – same story as before; nothing changed whatsoever despite my best efforts (and patience). All this makes me wonder how serious inshallah actually takes its customers’ needs? Do we matter at all? That doesn’t seem likely based on my experience here…

Bottom line: if you are thinking about signing up for Inshallah then make sure that you know exactly what type of support system (or lack thereof) awaits should something go wrong because trust me -you won’t find much help here unfortunately!. Save yourself some hassle and look elsewhere where user-friendly features come standard rather than being nonexistent altogether!!

Design & Usability

Ah, Inshallah.com – the online dating site that tries to be all things to all people but falls short in so many ways! From its outdated design and colors (think early 2000s) to its clunky usability, this is one website I wouldn’t recommend for anyone looking for love.

Let’s start with the aesthetics of Inshallah. The color scheme looks like it was chosen by a five-year old playing with crayons; there are bright pinks and blues everywhere you look which can be quite off-putting when you’re trying to find your soulmate! It doesn’t help either that most of the text on the page is written in an illegible font size – not ideal if you want users actually reading what they need too. And don’t even get me started on how difficult it is navigating around their menu bar – talk about user unfriendly!

But let’s move onto functionality now because believe me, it gets worse… Despite having been around since 2006, there have been very few updates made over time meaning that any features or functions added since then feel incredibly dated compared to other modern day sites out there today such as Match or eHarmony who have both gone through major redesigns recently making them much more enjoyable experiences overall than Inshallah ever could hope for being stuck in yesteryear land forevermore!.

If only those behind inshallah had taken some tips from these two giants maybe we’d see something better here but alas no luck yet… What makes matters worse though? Well after signing up as a paid member at least half of my profile information got lost somewhere along way leaving me feeling pretty frustrated despite paying good money just moments before hand thinking I would receive top notch service instead getting shafted big time unfortunately.. Even buying premium membership does nothing really improve UI experience wise nor make anything easier whatsoever except perhaps giving access additional services otherwise unavailable free memberships holders plus discounts various products & services advertised throughout site.. All said done however still remains same basic layout without hardly any changes improvements seen elsewhere competitors websites which why won’t give high marks regards design usability front..

Signing up

Signing up on inshallah.com is a breeze! All you need to do is be at least 18 years old and have an internet connection – that’s it! Plus, the whole process won’t cost you a dime since registration on this dating site is totally free.

To get started, head over to their website and click "Create Account". Then fill out some basic information like your name, age (remember: must be 18 or older!), gender identity and email address. Once all of those fields are filled in correctly just hit submit – voila! You’re now officially part of the inshallah family. You’ll then receive an email from them with a link for verifying your account; simply click it and follow the instructions provided by inshallah staff members who will guide you through each step until completion – pretty neat right? Now that everything has been verified properly go ahead set up your profile page so other users can learn more about yourself as well as add photos if desired (which I highly recommend). After uploading any pictures make sure they meet all standards required by Insallah’s terms & conditions otherwise they might not appear online or worse yet could even lead to suspension of said account…so don’t take chances here folks!.

Once finished setting up everything there’s nothing left but wait around for someone special to come along…good luck finding ‘the one’ out there guys/gals!! That being said though keep in mind safety should always remain priority number one when meeting new people online no matter what type of platform used..just saying 😉

  • These are the requirements to register on Inshallah.com:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • A short bio
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • Your religion and/or sect

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that promises safety and security, Inshallah.com isn’t it! I’m sorry to say but this online dating site leaves much to be desired when it comes to protecting its users from bots, fake accounts and other malicious activities.

For starters, there’s no two-step verification process available so anyone can create an account with just a few clicks of the mouse – not exactly reassuring if you ask me! And even though they claim their photos are manually reviewed by staff members before being posted on the website (which is great!), they don’t seem too keen on verifying user profiles which means that any random person could potentially join without having their identity checked first. Not cool at all!

The privacy policy also leaves something to be desired as far as I’m concerned; while most websites these days have strict rules about how your data will be used or shared with third parties, Inshallah doesn’t really go into detail in this regard – leaving many questions unanswered regarding what happens once your information has been collected by them. All in all not very comforting…

To sum up: If you want peace of mind knowing that your personal details won’t end up falling into the wrong hands then steer clear of inshallah because let’s face it – there ain’t nothing safe about this particular online dating service!


Inshallah.com is a dating site that claims to be free, but it’s not quite as simple as that. Sure, you can sign up and browse the profiles of other users without paying anything – but if you want to actually get in touch with someone or use any of the more advanced features then you’re going to have shell out some cash for a paid subscription.

The prices aren’t too bad – they’re competitive compared with similar sites – but I wouldn’t say they offer particularly good value for money either; there are plenty of better deals out there if you shop around! Plus, even when signing up for one of their premium plans your options are still limited: no access to message histories or customised search filters unless you upgrade again…so much for ‘free’! If Inshallah was upfront about its pricing structure from the start it would probably do itself (and its customers) a lot more favours – after all nobody likes being taken advantage off…especially when looking love online!

Plan Price Features
Basic Free Create profile, view profiles, send likes
Premium $9.99/month Create profile, view profiles, send likes, unlimited messaging, advanced search filters
VIP $19.99/month Create profile, view profiles, send likes, unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, priority customer service, access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to inshallah.com include eHarmony, Match.com, and OkCupid which are all popular online dating sites that offer a variety of features for users looking for love or companionship. Additionally, there are many other niche-specific dating websites such as ChristianMingle and JDate that cater specifically to those with religious beliefs or cultural backgrounds in mind when searching for potential partners.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for Muslims who want to meet someone with similar values and beliefs.
  • Best for those seeking an online dating experience that is tailored specifically towards their religious background.


1. How can I know that the profiles on inshallah.com are real?

I wouldn’t trust the profiles on inshallah.com – there’s no way to know if they’re real or not. There are no background checks and you can’t be sure that people aren’t lying about who they say they are. It’s best to stay away from this site, it doesn’t seem very reliable!

2. How to find people on inshallah.com?

Searching for people on inshallah.com is pretty easy, just use the search filters to narrow down your results. But I wouldn’t recommend it – there are better dating sites out there with more features and a larger user base. Inshallah’s interface also leaves something to be desired; it looks outdated and clunky compared to other options available today.

3. How can I contact inshallah.com?

You can contact inshallah.com, but I wouldn’t recommend it – it’s a dating site after all! It looks like you have to create an account in order to get in touch with them, which is pretty shady if you ask me. Overall not the best option for finding someone special online.

4. What are inshallah.com alternatives?

I’m not a fan of inshallah.com, there are much better alternatives out there like eHarmony or Match.com that have more features and offer better customer service. In my opinion, you should avoid inshallah altogether and look for something else!

Steve Mayeda

Steve Mayeda is an online dating expert and writer with a passion for helping others find love. He has been involved in the world of romance since his early twenties, when he started out as a matchmaker at one of the most popular dating sites on the web. After years of experience working with singles from all walks of life, Steve decided to use his knowledge to help more people by writing reviews about different online dating platforms. He holds degrees in Psychology and Communications from UCLA where he was able to gain insight into human behavior which helps him understand how relationships work best between two individuals who are looking for love through technology-based means such as apps or websites. His goal is not only to provide useful information but also entertain readers while doing so; this combination makes it easier for those seeking advice regarding their romantic lives make informed decisions before taking any steps forward towards finding someone special via digital channels like Tinder or Bumble . In addition, Steve’s background includes extensive research within social media marketing – giving him additional insights that allow him review various aspects related to successful relationship building using modern technologies available today including AI chatbots , video conferencing tools etc.. All these experiences have helped shape what motivates Steve Mayeda: providing valuable resources and helpful tips designed specifically around connecting people together regardless if they meet face-to-face or virtually over internet connections

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